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外_匯_邦 WaiHuiBang.com 親愛的,我給你三個外匯交易必須輕倉操作的理由:掃損,掃損,掃損。www.emoneybtc.com




以上三條是你必須輕倉的理由。輕倉,可以讓你扛得久,輕倉,可以讓你吃得香。掃損行為其實是對即將到來的正確方向的一種確認,但掃損行為也會讓你的賬戶有損失。交易,從來不會只贏不輸。你也不要指望在主力掃損之後再入場 -- 天知道主力什麼時候才算完成了掃損。我們甚至不知道主力是否會采取掃損行為,更不會知道他們打算進行幾輪掃損。解決方案只有一個:輕倉。




Trade Light Relative to Account Size


I will give you three very good reasons to do this,.....stop hunts.....stop hunts......stop hunts:

1. Stop Hunts: You can never know if a stop hunt will happen. If it does, it might present an opportunity for a good addition to your trade and therefore a better average price for your trade. If you trade light relative to your account size then you can avail yourself of any such opportunity.

2. Stop Hunts: You can never know how great a stop hunt will be. It might pause and then go more. This can present an opportunity for an even better addition to your trade and therefore an even better average price for your trade. Trade light so you can avail yourself of any such opportunity.

3. Stop Hunts: You can never know how many stop hunts there will be before the Robber Banks finally get on with the trade! And sometimes the stop hunts get bigger. So, trade light so you can avail yourself of any good opportunity during any stop hunt.

These three reasons make it an imperative to trade light relative to your account size. Doing so will enable your trade to have "staying power" and "opportunity power" in the face of stop hunts, which are confirmations of the trade direction, but which will create draw downs on your account. There is no such thing as being able to trade without ever incurring draw downs. And there is no such thing as waiting to enter a trade only after the MMs have run the stops because we cannot know if they will even do that, or if they do, then how many times they might do it! The answer is to trade light - at entry and with additions - relative to your account size.

Okay, so how do we know if a move against our trade is a stop hunt or a reversal? We can't know! At least not right away. It will require enough PA to reveal what is going on. And over that time, the price can move considerably against your trade. And the lighter you trade relative to your account size the more time you buy yourself to see what might actually be going on,....the more time you buy yourself to decide if to fold, hold or add.


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